Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Strange, but True

Having two children reminds me all the time that my children don't always reflect my ability to parent - for better or worse!  The latest case-in-point: potty training.

Joseph has been in undies for several months, now.  He does OK, but his underwear and the diaper sprayer on the toilet are intimately aquainted.  The kid does not like to poop on the potty. 

In contrast, Nora, my SEVEN MONTH OLD has not had a poopy diaper in about 3 weeks.  What the what?  I know, right?  It's as simple as this: she grunts a particular way.  I say, "Oh, do you have to poop?" and take her to the bathroom.  I sit her on the seat, and she does her business.  The end.  It could not be any more awesome (well, maybe if I could figure out her pee queues also). 

I don't think I should take credit for Nora's success any more than I have the burden of Joseph's reticent nature.  It just is.  Everyone tells me he won't go to college in diapers.  We'll see!  We started a sticker chart in a last ditch effort to appeal to his material side.  He's been eying a particular car carrier and I've promised it to him if he fills up his chart (10 stickers). 

I ain't too proud to bribe!


One Artist a Day June 21, 2012 at 10:51 PM  

Link waited a long time too poop too. I kept him out of underware for a week and observed that when he went to poop he would hide in a corner. So I tried giving him some privacy by saying "I'll be right back." I hid around the corner and after a while he finally went.

Jen June 22, 2012 at 9:51 AM  

I'm really interested in EC, and want to try it when the time comes. Hopefully our LO's cues are as easy to read as Nora's (at least, #2 wise). Sorry you're having such a hard time with your son's potty training. One day at a time!

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