A trip to the bathroom changed our lives forever!

Ah, the memories. It was our 7th cycle of trying for our DomerBaby. I was only 12 dpo, but I was a sucker for testing early. I didn't want T.J. to know I was testing though, because I was embarrassed to be testing early again. So I snuck the test that night. I was so incredulous - I was jumping around the bedroom with a stupid grin. Then I went to tell T.J. Of course, T.J. did not jump, but he was happy as well. A few minutes after I told him, I ditched him to go take a that photo to show my friends on the internets. Hey, at least I told him first, right?
We're getting close to the one-year anniversary of the blog. Keep and eye out for a change to the look - I'm hoping to create something less generic. I'm also planning to start a new feature once a week; "One year ago," where I'll link back the posts from that week a year ago. I thought it might be fun to relive that and compare it to things now.
Thanks for following us on our journey through parenthood!