Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fun (free) activities

Joseph and I are on the hunt for fun (and free/cheap) activities for the summer. Luckily, he's easy to please, so I can count things like "grocery shopping" or "farmer's market" as a fun activity for him. But to appease my need to do something "educational" with him, and just because it's awesome, we went to baby story time yesterday!

There was only one other mom there, and her son Luke was a week younger than Joseph! It was neat to see another baby his same age. Joseph and Luke were pretty interested in each other, though of course they didn't "play" together at this age.

We sang songs and the librarian did some rhyming stories, it was nice. I think we'll try to catch a couple of story times every week at different places.

In addition to story time, we also have LLL meetings 2-3 times per month, which is always a fun way to spend the morning. I have a group of moms that I see once a month, as well, but once a month isn't much! The BOB shipped today! So we can go take walks at the parks around town without sweating to death. Plus the big shade hood makes me less nervous about him burning than when he's being worn in some positions.

If you have any cheap/free ideas for outings, I'd love to hear them!


Grandma Pat June 3, 2009 at 8:08 AM  

Hi, I read to them all the time and we acted out the books as well, in a very physical way, running around like the characters etc, but of course they were much older. We were always hunting for different leaves as well, free stuff, but again, he's too young... Sounds like you are doing what you can for now, won't be long though for bunches of other stuff... Any children oriented museums nearby? He couldn't actually participate, but it sure would be lively, usually lots of hands on stuff...

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