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Stranger comment, that is.
Today at the bank:
Banker: So, when are you due?
Me: Thursday
Banker (with look of absolute horror): THURSDAY? Well.... (sputter, sputter)... You seem so calm!
Me (baffled): Um... well, we're just waiting for her to make an appearance....
What is the appropriate behavior supposed to be when out in public 3 days before your due date? I assumed that I should still act like a rational being. Perhaps I should be openly weeping or my head should be spinning around as if possessed???
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. People are weird.
I went to the gym the day before my due date with Max. The receptionist at the desk told me "don't worry. I took an EMT course in college". Thanks. If my water breaks on the ellptical machine, I'm SUURRRE he'd be the first person I'd go to.
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