Cry Baby
A "funny" thing happened to me the other day. I'd been talking to enough pregnant and previously pregnant women that I knew that it is completely normal. Still, it was ridiculously weird.
On Wednesday night T.J. picked me up from work and we were heading home, and I started to feel down. I envisioned just crawling directly into bed and pulling up the covers as we were pulling into our parking spot, and practically flew into the house rather than waiting for T.J. to get the mail like I usually do.
I made it to the bedroom, then sat on the floor and started crying - HARD. I don't know why I was crying, there was no reason. I wasn't even hungry! So after a few minutes I get a grip, but I'm still just sitting there staring off into space on the floor when T.J. finds me. Poor guy - he didn't know what was wrong, and I don't think he "gets" the hormonal thing. So he just gave me a big hug and we went and curled up on the couch. Then he made me mac'n'cheese for dinner. What a good hubby.
My husband has already met that side of me a couple of times, and we just found out Oct. 13th that we're expecting. He has no idea what to do, or why I'm crying. He can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that I'm pregnant, so there doesn't have to be any reason for me to cry. Pretty funny later, when I think about his reactions.
Not even hungry. Hehe.
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