We're moving!
Yup, Joseph's getting a new place to hang out! We're actually moving back to our old apartment complex, which is more centrally located and on the train line! So we can keep our good ol' 2-door Focus Hatchback without getting a new car, which was a big priority for us. I know it's weird to most people that we only want/have one car, but it works for us - for now! We like that it minimizes our impact on the environment, though sooner or later we'll have to bite the bullet, we're glad to put it off.
T.J. will commute on the train again, so Joseph and I won't have to take him to work every morning (though we might sometimes to give him a treat).
As most of you know, I love floor plans, so here's a picture of our new place (you can click on it to make it larger):We love that it has a deck, windows on 2 sides for a cross-breeze, a fireplace (!) and a bigger kitchen than we have now. It's actually pretty close in size (at 1273 sq ft) to what we're in, so moving everything shouldn't be too hard.
Now we just need to figure out how to pack and paint with a 4 week old who doesn't like to be put down! I think I'll be getting awfully proficient at using our baby carriers in the coming weeks.
We pick up our keyes on Saturday!
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