August MN VIsit
We had lots of fun up in MN this year - we flew in on a Saturday and went to Wisconsin for a family party, then stayed the night with our friends Justin and Megan and their ADORABLE newborn Shelby.
The rest of the visit was spent just hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa, and Joseph loved it, as always! T.J. and I went to a Twins game with Auntie Debbie and Joseph stayed with Grandma and Grandpa and didn't even notice we were gone! We left him with Grandma another day, too, to have some free time and he did well again!
I was a really terrible mama and didn't even take my camera out ONCE! Luckily Grandma took some pictures.
Teaching him to do dishes... I like it!

Grandma has the best toys

And she lets him drive them wherever he wants!

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