Monday, February 9, 2009

Another busy weekend!

It's a good think I've gotten some energy! Of course some of it seems to be propelled by irritation, but whatever works, right? Incidentally, T.J. appears to be able to read my mind if I get angry enough. Yesterday I was ranting in my mind about his golf clubs being out in the middle of the living room and he put them away! I need to try more Jedi mind tricks.

So what did we do this weekend?

On Saturday I went to the grocery before T.J. left for golf. Then I made two pans of lasagna and a big pot of chicken pot pie filling. I also did 4 loads of laundry! And after all that can you believe I lamented over what I *didn't* get done? Silly.

On Sunday I woke up at 7am (bad baby - mama needs sleep!) so I made coq au vin before heading out to lunch with some girlfriends, then last night I made a big batch of chili and baked an apple pie! Delicious. T.J. started some laundry and we finished that up, then cleaned the kitchen and picked up the house before bed.

T.J. also did a carseat installation trial. We need to make some adjustments, but it appears to fit in our little 2 door Focus. Yippee!


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