Friday, May 29, 2009

Finding our groove

The last couple of days has been really great! Joseph and I have managed to do lots of stuff - tons of laundry, cleaning the kitchen and living room, organizing the 2nd bathroom, getting our oil changed, and even a get-together with my local mom's group!

On the (more fun) baby-front, Joseph is enjoying the pull-up game now. He can hold his head steady when we pull him up from a lying down position by his hands, and when we lower him back down! When he's awake he's like a little meerkat on my shoulder. I swear, he looks just like that! Haha. He loves hanging out with daddy at night and in the mornings before work. I'm basically just food if T.J. is around! Just the way I like it.

Joseph talks up a storm, too. He's such a chatter box. Probably more evidence of his extraordinary intelligence. ;)

This is the second time this week he's fallen asleep for the night by 6:30pm. It's a real bummer for T.J., since he regularly gets home between 8 and 9pm. I'm hoping that it's short-lived and he'll shift his sleep back a bit. We'll see. He will fall asleep for the night any time between 6:30 and 10:30 it seems. He will consistently sleep through until morning now, only waking to eat. Periodically I'll change his diaper, but not usually. I have some really thick "nighttime" diapers that I use (Bububebe, Cricketts, and Happy Hempy's) are my favorite. I don't think I ever got that bone-numbing tiredness that some mom's experience (which I attribute 100% to Joseph co-sleeping), but I feel pretty awesome lately. It takes no effort at all to roll over and feed him at night.

Co-sleeping + breastfeeding = most sleep possible for Mama.


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