Saturday, May 16, 2009

Joseph "slept through the night"

Yes, you read that right.

"They" say that sleeping through the night is a 5 hour stretch. Well, on Thursday night he slept 6 hours straight without waking to eat or get a diaper changed! Now, *I* wouldn't consider sleeping from 9pm to 3am "through the night", but I was happy that Joseph got a good stretch. Boy was he hungry when he woke up!

Last night we were back to our normal 2-3 hour wakings, which is fine. He's still a very easy baby at night, just waking to eat. I was telling T.J. the other day that I don't feel like we have the normal exhaustion people have with new babies. I think it's because Joseph sleeps with us and we breastfeed. It's so easy just to roll over and feed him!


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