Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"They Call Me the Waddler...

Yeaaah, I'm the waddler, I waddle around and 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round..."

It's true, I've started waddling. I assume it's a combination of my hips loosening up and the 30 lbs on my front. So sad, though. I told T.J. last night and he insisted that I don't waddle, I just "bob back and forth." - He's getting good, eh?

My next prenatal appointment is a week from today - so It'll be my 32w appointment. I'm not sure if I'll switch to every two weeks from there, or what. We'll see. Around 35 or 36 weeks Charlotte will come and do our home visit, to make sure we've collected everything we need and make sure my housekeeping is up to snuff. Just kidding... er, I think.


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